LRDG Policies, Procedures and Conduct

Click the below headers to view the specific policies, procedures and conduct.

LRDG Member Code of Conduct

LRDG Parent Code of Conduct

LRDG Coach Code of Conduct

LRDG Guest Code of Conduct

LRDG Board of Directors Code of Conduct

APPENDIX A- Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild Grievance Policy and Code of Conduct Violations 

Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild Inclusion Policy

Medical Release and Concussion Guidelines

Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild Roster Policy

LRDG Member Code of Conduct

This Member Code of Conduct is to be signed by an adult skater member, junior skater member, league official member, coach members, board member, volunteer member and/or a representative family member of a skater under the age of 18 who has purchased an LRDG yearly membership. Adult skater members, junior skater members, league official members, coach members, board members, volunteer members and/or a representative family members of a skater under the age of 18 who have paid the yearly LRDG membership fee, must abide by the Member Code of Conduct.  


1.     I will meet all membership requirements as outlined in LRDG bylaws.

2.     I will not steal from the association or commit any other criminal act that has a direct effect on the association or its members.

3.     I may not have a period of non-payment dues of one (1) block or more.

4.     I will recognize that my actions reflect on the integrity of the league and on individual league members; I am therefore conscientious and discretionary about my actions, keeping the event audience in mind.

5.     I will come together to further the purposes, goals, and objectives of the league.

6.     I will come together with the membership to volunteer at home and away games, social events and fundraising events. Volunteer needs fluctuate from year-to-year. Members are expected to volunteer, or provide a representative to volunteer for at least 60 per cent of league events.

7.     Should I have access to league email or social media accounts through board or committee work, I am to be held accountable for confidentiality and proper distribution of league information. If I have any concerns they will be presented to the board of directors immediately.


1.     I will inform coach(es) of any physical ailments or disabilities that may affect my safety or the safety of other skaters.

2.     Skaters under 18 will not consume legal and illicit drugs, alcohol, tobacco, vape products at LRDG sanctioned events.

3.     I will not consume 3-hours prior to/during participation in LRDG practices, scrimmages and games: prescription and/or non-prescription drugs with impairment side effects, legal and/or illicit drugs, and/or alcohol.

4.     I will attend every practice and game, and will notify the local league coach or LRDG representative via team communication if I will be absent. I will be on time for practice and games.

5.     I may not have a prolonged unexplained absence of one (1) month or more.

6.     I will learn the current version of the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) rules and/or the Junior Roller Derby Association (JRDA) rules and play by them in any scrimmage or bout.

7.     I will listen and learn from coaches and other league members.

8.     During practice, bouts, and LRDG sanctioned events, I will have good-natured fun, lead by example, show good sportsmanship with fellow skaters, coaches, parents, league members, officials, volunteers, sponsors, or any other attendees, and demonstrate positive support to all other skaters, coaches, parents, league members, officials, volunteers, sponsors, or any other attendees.

9.     I will not engage in any behavior which would endanger the health, safety, or well-being of skaters, coaches, parents, league members, officials, volunteers, sponsors, or any other attendees.

10.  I will not engage in the use of profanity, verbal or physical threats, or any abuse aimed at skaters, coaches, parents, league members, officials, volunteers, sponsors, or any other attendees.

11.  I will respect all officials and their calls as they are based on the current version of WFTDA and/or JRDA rules.

12.  I will not use valuable practice time to disrupt other skaters, coaching staff, staff members or spectators. Interruptions of group practices for personal agendas will not be tolerated.

13. I understand this is a community league that will offer competitive teams with varying agenda and skills, and I must pass a skills test and assessment prior to moving to a new level or being placed onto a team.


1.     I will act respectfully towards skaters, coaches, parents, league members, officials, volunteers, sponsors, or any other attendees.

2.     I will treat skaters, coaches, parents, league members, officials, volunteers, sponsors, or any other attendees with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, or abilities, and I will expect to be treated accordingly.

3.     I will recognize there may be differing opinions among league members, and respect those opinions even if there’s disagreement.

4.     I will respect an individuals’ dignity; verbal or physical behaviours that constitute harassment or abuse are unacceptable in accordance with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

5.     I cannot be suspended/dismissed from the LRDG for speaking my mind or expressing an opinion, with the exception of statements that are derogatory in nature or go against the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild Inclusion Policy.

6.     I will abide by the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild Inclusion Policy. [https://www.lethbridgerollerderby.ca/conduct/#inclusion]

7.     I will address fellow skaters, coaches, parents, league members, officials, volunteers, sponsors, or any other attendees, and others associated with LRDG in a courteous and respectful manner.

8.     I will not participate in overt defamation of another skater, official, volunteer, team or league via digital, printed, broadcast or spoken word.


1.     I understand that there is a zero (0) tolerance policy for negative remarks / comment regarding any roller derby league, team or organization. Making any such remarks is cause for suspension or dismissal.

2.     I understand the goal is to train skaters and encourage them to join and tryout for any league even if it is not our own.

3.     I understand that if I should become an All Star skater, I will agree to mentor or acknowledge other skaters and that my behavior is to be positive and encouraging at all times. As a skater and / or mentor I agree that I will not utilize exercise as punishment nor will I resort to using language that is shaming, humiliating or rude.

4.     I understand that LRDG skaters encourage their peers to surpass them in skill level, and do their best to remember that any team is only as good as its weakest skater.

5.     I understand that compassion, tolerance and communication are of the utmost importance for excellence.

6.     I understand that if I need help you will ask for it, and I will not automatically assume that any strong skater has a superior attitude that is worthy of resentment. I understand that individuals who have weaker skills than me or my team are still important as members of LRDG and I will do my best to acknowledge their progress and answer their questions.


1.     If I am a witness to a member breaking the Member Code of Conduct, I will file an appropriate complaint. To view Grievance Policy and Code of Conduct processes, visit [https://www.lethbridgerollerderby.ca/conduct/]. Submit your complaint to skate@lethbridgerollerderby.ca.

2.     If I receive discipline for inappropriate behaviour (as filed under the Grievance Policy or Code of Conduct) and the behaviour continues, I may be subject to further disciplinary action as outlined in APPENDIX A – Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild Grievance Policy and Code of Conduct Violations.

By signing below, I agree to the Code of Conduct outlined above. By signing below, I also acknowledge that I have been provided a copy of the Member Code of Conduct and processes regarding violations of the Member Code of Conduct and Grievance Policy (https://www.lethbridgerollerderby.ca/conduct/). By signing below, I agree that I will abide by the Member Code of Conduct as a member of the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild and the rules outlined above apply to me. Any violation of the conduct will have consequences and my signature is proof that I am in agreement with this. If I fail to abide by the above code of conduct, I will be subject to disciplinary action that could include but is not limited to the following:
A. Verbal warning by a LRDG official or coach, and/or head of league organization*
B. Written warning*
C. Game/practice suspension*
D. Season suspension*
* With written documentation of incident kept on file by a LRDG Representative

DIGITAL SIGNING STATEMENT: Adult skater members, junior skater members, league official members, coach members, board members, volunteer members and/or a representative family members of a skater under the age of 18 who have paid the yearly LRDG membership fee, must abide by the Member Code of Conduct. By selecting Yes in the box below, you are indicating that relevant parties under your LRDG membership has read, agrees to and accepts the above statements.

Legal name of registered member:
Legal name of parent/guardian, if above member is under 18:
Signature of adult registered member or parent/guardian of under-18 member:
Date of signing:

LRDG Parent Code of Conduct

This Code of conduct is to be signed by the Parent or Guardian of Full Skating Members – Junior 

By signing below I hereby agree that:

1) I will not force my child to participate in the Lethbridge Junior Roller Derby League. 

2) I will promote the emotional and physical well-being of the skaters ahead of any personal desire I may have for my child to win. 

3) I will inform the coach of any physical disability, injury, or illness that may affect the safety of my child or the safety of others. 

4) I (and my guests) will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, skater, or parent such as booing and taunting; refusing to shake hands; or using profane language or gestures. 

5) I will encourage my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence. 

6) I will encourage my child to treat other players, coaches, officials and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color, sex or ability. 

7) I will respect the officials and their authority during games and will never question, discuss, or confront coaches at the rink, and will take time to speak with coaches at an agreed upon time and place. 

8) I will encourage a safe sports environment for my child that is free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. 

9) I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during games and practices, unless I am one of the official coaches for my Lethbridge Junior Roller Derby League. 

10) I will abide by the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild Inclusion Policy. [https://www.lethbridgerollerderby.ca/conduct/#inclusion]

By signing below, I agree to the Code of Conduct outlined above. By signing below, I also acknowledge that I have been provided a copy of the Parent Code of Conduct and processes regarding violations of the Parent Code of Conduct and Grievance Policy (https://www.lethbridgerollerderby.ca/conduct/). By signing below, I agree that I will abide by the Parent Code of Conduct as a member of the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild and the rules outlined above apply to me. Any violation of the conduct will have consequences and my signature is proof that I am in agreement with this. If I fail to abide by the above code of conduct, I will be subject to disciplinary action that could include but is not limited to the following:
A. Verbal warning by a LRDG official or coach, and/or head of league organization*
B. Written warning*
C. Event suspension*
D. Season suspension*
* With written documentation of incident kept on file by a LRDG Representative

DIGITAL SIGNING STATEMENT: Representative parents/guardians of a skater under the age of 18 who have paid the yearly LRDG membership fee, must abide by the Parent Code of Conduct. By selecting Yes in the box below, you are indicating that relevant parties under your LRDG membership has read, agrees to and accepts the above statements.

Legal name of registered junior member:
Legal name of parent/guardian:
Signature of parent/guardian of under-18 member:
Date of signing:

LRDG Coach Code of Conduct

This Coach Code of Conduct is to be signed by Coach Member 

By signing below I agree that: 

1) I will not force or pressure any league member to participate in any skating activity that they are uncomfortable performing. 

2) I will inform the Head Coach or any Board member of any physical disability, injury or illness that may affect my coaching ability or the safety and/or welfare of myself or the league members. 

3) I will support the league members in adhering to the codes of conduct, and I will serve as a role model for behaviors that are expected. 

4) I understand that it is my primary responsibility to promote sportsmanship and safety on the track, and I agree to place safety over and above any other consideration. 

5) At skating events including practices and bouts, decisions that impact the safety or play of any league member are to be made solely at the discretion of the coach. I agree to consult one or more other coaches before making decisions that impact the safety of play of any league member, whenever possible. 

6) I will handle violations of the league member’s code of conduct according to the disciplinary actions outlined in the bylaws. 

7) I will coach in a spirit of developing empowerment, emphasize motivation and enthusiasm, and celebrate each league member’s abilities and individuality, placing individual skater growth and development over winning. 

8) I will encourage social influence and support from teammates with healthy attitudes towards factors that are often targets of separation – sexual orientation, race, body size/shape, etc . – and in support of any teammate who needs support for any reason 

9) I will encourage a safe sports environment that is free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. I will refrain from using drugs, alcohol, or tobacco at any youth sporting event, or while on skates in any capacity. 

10) I will foster a welcoming, positive, drama-free learning environment for everyone, on- and off skates 

11) I will abide by the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild Inclusion Policy. [https://www.lethbridgerollerderby.ca/conduct/#inclusion]

By signing below, I agree to the Code of Conduct outlined above. By signing below, I also acknowledge that I have been provided a copy of the Coach Code of Conduct and processes regarding violations of the Coach Code of Conduct and Grievance Policy (https://www.lethbridgerollerderby.ca/conduct/). By signing below, I agree that I will abide by the Coach Code of Conduct as a member of the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild and the rules outlined above apply to me. Any violation of the conduct will have consequences and my signature is proof that I am in agreement with this. If I fail to abide by the above code of conduct, I will be subject to disciplinary action that could include but is not limited to the following:
A. Verbal warning by a head official, and/or head of league organization*
B. Written warning*
C. Game suspension*
D. Season suspension*
* With written documentation of incident kept on file by a LRDG Representative

DIGITAL SIGNING STATEMENT: Coaches commissioned by the LRDG must abide by the Coach Code of Conduct. By selecting Yes in the box below, you are indicating that you have read, agree to and accept the above statements.

Legal name of LRDG coach:
Signature of LRDG coach:
Date of signing:

LRDG Guest Code of Conduct

This Guest Code of Conduct is accepted by volunteers, officials, skaters, invitational skaters, NSOs, additional staff and vendors who register and/or agree to work or attend Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild events. It’s within the guest’s right to have access to this code of conduct prior to event commitment. By registering to attend LRDG events, it is assumed you will abide by the Guest Code of Conduct. 


1.     I will not steal from the association or commit any other criminal act that has a direct effect on the association or its members.

2.     I will recognize that my actions reflect my integrity and are conscientious and discretionary about my actions, keeping the event audience in mind.


1.     I will inform coach(es) or head official(s) of any physical ailments or disabilities that may affect my safety or the safety of other skaters.

2.     Skaters under 18 will not consume legal and illicit drugs, alcohol, tobacco, vape products at LRDG sanctioned events.

3.     I will not consume 3-hours prior to/during participation in LRDG practices, scrimmages and games: prescription and/or non-prescription drugs with impairment side effects, legal and/or illicit drugs, and/or alcohol.

4.     During practice, bouts, and LRDG sanctioned events, I will have good-natured fun, lead by example, show good sportsmanship with fellow skaters, coaches, parents, league members, officials, volunteers, sponsors, or any other attendees, and demonstrate positive support to all other skaters, coaches, parents, league members, officials, volunteers, sponsors, or any other attendees.

5.     I will not engage in any behavior which would endanger the health, safety, or well-being of skaters, coaches, parents, league members, officials, volunteers, sponsors, or any other attendees.

6.     I will not engage in the use of profanity, verbal or physical threats, or any abuse aimed at skaters, coaches, parents, league members, officials, volunteers, sponsors, or any other attendees.

7.     I will respect all officials and their calls as they are based on the current version of WFTDA and/or JRDA rules.


1.     I will act respectfully towards skaters, coaches, parents, league members, officials, volunteers, sponsors, or any other attendees.

2.     I will treat skaters, coaches, parents, league members, officials, volunteers, sponsors, or any other attendees with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, or abilities, and you will expect to be treated accordingly.

3.     I will recognize there may be differing opinions among event attendees, and respect those opinions even if there’s disagreement.

4.     I will respect an individuals’ dignity; verbal or physical behaviours that constitute harassment or abuse are unacceptable in accordance with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

5.     I cannot be suspended/dismissed from LRDG events for speaking my mind or expressing an opinion, with the exception of statements that are derogatory in nature or go against the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild Inclusion Policy.

6.     I will abide by the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild Inclusion Policy [https://www.lethbridgerollerderby.ca/conduct/#inclusion].

7.     I will address fellow skaters, coaches, parents, league members, officials, volunteers, sponsors, any other attendees, and others associated with LRDG in a courteous and respectful manner.

8.     I will not will participate in overt defamation of another skater, official, volunteer, team or league via digital, printed, broadcast or spoken word.


1.     If I am a witness to a guest breaking the Guest Code of Conduct, I will file an appropriate complaint. To view Grievance Policy and Code of Conduct processes, visit [https://www.lethbridgerollerderby.ca/conduct/]. Submit your complaint to skate@lethbridgerollerderby.ca.

2.     If I receive discipline for inappropriate behaviour (as filed under the Grievance Policy or Code of Conduct) and the behaviour continues, I may be subject to further disciplinary action as outlined in APPENDIX A – Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild Grievance Policy and Code of Conduct Violations.

By registering for an LRDG event as a volunteer, official, skater, invitational skater, NSO, staff and/or vendor, and/or attending as a guest skater at an LRDG practice, I agree to the Code of Conduct outlined above. By attending an LRDG event, I also acknowledge that I have been provided a copy of the Guest Code of Conduct and processes regarding violations of the Guest Code of Conduct and Grievance Policy (https://www.lethbridgerollerderby.ca/conduct/). By attending an LRDG event, I agree that I will abide by the Guest Code of Conduct as a guest of the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild and the rules outlined above apply to me. Any violation of the conduct will have consequences and my event registration and/or attendance is proof that I am in agreement with this. If I fail to abide by the above code of conduct, I will be subject to disciplinary action that could include but is not limited to the following:
A. Verbal warning by a LRDG official or coach, and/or head of league organization*
B. Written warning*
C. Game/practice suspension*
D. Season suspension*
* With written documentation of incident kept on file by a LRDG Representative

DIGITAL SIGNING STATEMENT: LRDG guests must abide by the Guest Code of Conduct. By selecting Yes in the box below OR by attending an event where the Guest Code of Conduct has been provided in advance, you are indicating the guest and relevant parent/guardian (if applicable) has read, agrees to and accepts the above statements. Full conduct can be accessed here: https://www.lethbridgerollerderby.ca/conduct/#guest

Legal name of guest:
Legal name of parent/guardian, if above guest is under 18:
Signature of adult guest or parent/guardian of under-18 guest:
Date of signing:

LRDG Board of Directors Code of Conduct

This board of director’s code of conduct is to be signed by all board of directors at the first meeting following the AGM By signing below I agree that: 

1) I will follow the member’s code of conduct 

2) I understand that there is an expectation of confidentiality for all special cases and special meetings 

3) I will strive to create transparency between the board and league members and make myself available to league members 

4) I will review and be familiar with the bylaws set out by LRDG 

5) I will uphold the powers and duties of the board as set out in the bylaws 

By signing below, I agree to the Code of Conduct outlined above. By signing below, I also acknowledge that I have been provided a copy of the Board Code of Conduct and processes regarding violations of the Board Code of Conduct and Grievance Policy (https://www.lethbridgerollerderby.ca/conduct/). By signing below, I agree that I will abide by the Board Code of Conduct as a member of the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild and the rules outlined above apply to me. Any violation of the conduct will have consequences and my signature is proof that I am in agreement with this. If I fail to abide by the above code of conduct, I will be subject to disciplinary action that could include but is not limited to the following:
A. Verbal warning by the head of league organization*
B. Written warning*
C. Board suspension*
* With written documentation of incident kept on file by a LRDG Representative

DIGITAL SIGNING STATEMENT: LRDG Board members must abide by the Board Code of Conduct. By selecting Yes in the box below, you are indicating that you have read, agree to and accept the above statements.

Legal name of board member:
Signature of board:
Date of signing:

APPENDIX A- Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild Grievance Policy and Code of Conduct Violations 

ARTICLE A1 – Preamble 

1.1. Introduction: The Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild (LRDG) acknowledges all members and guests have rights and protection when conflict occurs. The following outlines the process that any Member or guest of the LRDG may take if they feel they need assistance in resolving conflicts or if their rights have been violated. 

1.2. Classification of Members – Eligible people who fall under the LRDG Grievance Policy and Code of Conduct include: 

(a) Full Skating Members – Adult 

(b) Full Skating Members – Junior 

(c) Parent or Guardian of a Full Skating Member – Junior 

(d) New skater Members 

(e) Referee Member 

(f) League Official Members (NSO’s and LOA skaters) 

(g) Coach Member 

(h) League Guests, including skaters, teams, officials, volunteers, vendors and other applicable staff

1.3. Code of Conduct: Members and guests of the LRDG must sign a conduct specific to their membership or participation. The Member Code of Conduct, Parent Code of Conduct, Coach Code of Conduct and Guest Code of Conduct all fall under this definition. 

1.4. Grievance Policy and Code of Conduct Definitions : The Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild has two options that members or guests may choose to file under when an incident occurs. The choice of the process is determined by the alleged offense: 

The Grievance Policy: The less serious of the two processes, the Grievance Policy is used when the outcome does not require suspension or dismissal. Grievances are usually filed when the offense is not related to a direct violation of a Code of Conduct. Often involves conflict resolution between two members and/or guests or minor complaints of behavior and is mediated by the Grievance Committee. 

Grievance Policy Disciplinary Action: If disciplinary action is required to the member or guest being grieved, it can range from no action to formal apologies to written warnings of suspension. 

Violation of any Code of Conduct: Signed by all members and guests of the league, the Conducts outline expectations of member and guest behavior at all league practices, bouts or sanctioned events. The more serious of the two processes, it is mediated by a quorum of Board Members. 

Code of Conduct Disciplinary Action: If disciplinary action is required to a member or guest being found guilty of breaking the Code of Conduct, it can range from no action to written warnings of suspension to dismissal from the league. 

ARTICLE A2 – Order of Process, filing a complaint 

Step 1: Determine where the issue lies. In order to be eligible for filing, it must fall under one of the following criteria 

a) Did it happen at a league practice, bout or sanctioned event? (If not, the issue does not qualify for league mediation) 

b) Did you witness the offender break a rule in any Code of Conduct that you feel requires an action of suspension or dismissal? (If yes, proceed to Step 3) 

c) If it does not directly fall under the any Code of Conduct or you feel does not require suspension or dismissal, does the issue affect your ability to participate in league practices, bouts or sanctioned events? (If yes, proceed to Step 2) 

d) If it does not fall under the any Code of Conduct or does not affect your ability to participate in league practices, bouts or sanctioned events, you may talk to your Skater Representative or League Chairperson for guidance. 

Step 2: How to file a Grievance 

a) Gather all information you have about the issue (dates, details of the incident, what is being grieved and the individuals involved in the incident). 

b) Submit your Grievance, in writing to the Chairperson of the LRDG board. 

c) While we encourage an open and honest process, grievances may be filed anonymously if the skater feels uncomfortable in coming forward. 

d) Once a Grievance is filed, the incident is not to be discussed with other members or guests of the LRDG. 

Step 3: How to file a Violation of any Code of Conduct 

a) Gather all information you have about the issue (dates, details of the incident, what code was violated and the individuals involved in the incident). 

b) Submit your violation complaint, in writing to the Chairperson of the LRDG board. 

c) Because a Code of Conduct Violation is a more serious allegation which can result in dismissal, members or guests may not file anonymously. 

d) Once the Code of Conduct Violation is filed, the incident is not to be discussed with other members or guests of the LRDG. 

ARTICLE A3 – Grievance Process Once a Grievance has been received by the Chairperson, the following actions will take place: 

1) The Chairperson will release all submitted details to the members of the Grievance Committee.

2) The Grievance Committee will determine if the Grievance is actionable. 

a) If the Grievance is NOT actionable under Grievance Policy definitions, the complainant will be informed why no action will take place and the file will be closed. 

b) If the Grievance IS actionable under the Grievance Policy definitions, the alleged offender. will be informed that a complaint has been filed and all details surrounding the complaint will be released to them. 

c) The complainant may remain anonymous under this process. 

3) Once the alleged offender has been informed of the details, a special meeting will be set with the alleged offender, the Grievance Committee and the complainant (if applicable). At least three (3) days’ notice must be given. 

4) Working with the Grievance Committee, the alleged offender will discuss the incident, along with the complainant, if applicable. 

5) The Grievance Committee will decide on an appropriate course of action based on the discussions at the special meeting. This may include: 

a) No action 

b) Further mediation 

c) Formal apologies to the complainant and/or vice versa 

d) Verbal warnings of suspension 

e) Written warnings of suspension

6) Once a course of action has been determined and handed out, all parties involved will be notified in writing of the result and the file/issue will be considered closed. 

Alleged Offender’s Expectations, Rights and Privileges 

a) Given all details, in writing, of the incident in question prior to the special meeting. 

b) Receive at least three (3) days’ notice before the special meeting. 

c) The right to present their own views of the incident to the Grievance Committee. 

d) The Grievance process to be handled professionally and fairly by committee members as outlined in the bylaws. 

e) All information kept confidential. 

Complainant’s Expectations, Rights and Privileges 

a) Disclose all details, in writing, of the incident in question to the Board Chairperson.

b) Receive at least three (3) days’ notice before the special meeting, if they wish to attend c) The right to present their own view of the incident to the Grievance Committee. 

d) The Grievance process to be handled professionally and fairly by committee members as outlined in the bylaws. 

e) All information kept confidential. 

Grievance Committee Expectations, Rights and Privileges 

a) Receive all details, in writing, of the incident in question in a truthful manner. 

b) Allow at least three (3) days notice to all parties before the special meeting c) Remain impartial at all times. 

d) Handle the Grievance process professionally and fairly as outlined in the bylaws. 

e) All information kept confidential. 

The Grievance Committee shall contain: 

a) The Chairperson as Chair – If the Chairperson is involved in the incident, the Vice-Chairperson shall step in as Chair. 

b) Two other board members as determined by the set Grievance Committee – The complainant or alleged offender may request an impartial league member in place of one board member if they wish. 

ARTICLE A4 – Code of Conduct Violation Process Once a notification of Code of Conduct violation has been received by the Chairperson, the following actions will take place: 

1) The Chairperson will release all submitted details to the members of the Board.

2) The Board will determine if the violation is actionable 

a) If the violation is NOT actionable under any Code of Conduct definitions, the board will decide if it should be handled as a Grievance. 

b) If the violation falls under Grievance Policy, refer to ARTICLE A3 – Grievance Process. 

c) If the violation does not fall under the Grievance Policy, the complainant will be informed why no action will take place and the file will be closed. 

d) If the violation IS actionable under the Code of Conduct definitions, the alleged offender will be informed that a complaint has been filed and all details surrounding the complaint will be released to them, including the complainant’s name. 

3) Once the alleged offender has been informed of the details, a special meeting will be set with the alleged offender, a quorum from the Board of Directors and the complainant. At least one (1) week notice must be given. 

4) Working with the Board of Directors in attendance, the alleged offender will discuss the incident, along with the complainant. 

5) The Board of Directors in attendance will decide on an appropriate course of action based on the discussions at the special meeting. This may include: 

a) No action 

b) Further mediation 

c) Formal apologies to the complainant or vice versa 

d) Verbal warnings or suspension 

e) Written warnings of suspension 

f) Suspension from practice, which includes banishment from the building the practice is being held 

g) Suspension from participation in bouts, which includes being prohibited to be a spectator at the bout 

h) Dismissal from the league 

6) Once a course of action has been determined and handed out, all parties involved will be notified in writing of the result and the file/issue will be considered closed. 

7) If the course of action results in a suspension or dismissal, all current members of the league will be informed in writing of the suspension or dismissal. 

Alleged Offender’s Expectations, Rights and Privileges 

a) Given all details, in writing, of the incident in question prior to the special meeting. 

b) Receive at least one (1) week notice before the special meeting. 

c) The right to present their own view of the incident to the Board of Directors. 

d) The Code of Conduct violation process to be handled professionally and fairly by board members as outlined in the bylaws. 

e) Information discussed at the special meeting to be kept confidential – If the outcome results in suspension or dismissal, all league members will be informed of the outcome in general terms. 

Complainant’s Expectations, Rights and Privileges 

a) Disclose all details, in writing, of the incident in question to the Board Chairperson. 

b) Receive at least one (1) week notice before the special meeting. 

c) The right to present their own view of the incident to the Board of Directors. 

d) The Code of Conduct violation process to be handled professionally and fairly by board members as outlined in the bylaws. 

e) Information discussed at the special meeting to be kept confidential – If the outcome results in suspension or dismissal, all league members will be informed of the outcome in general terms. 

Board of Directors Expectations, Rights and Privileges 

a) Receive all details, in writing, of the incident in question in a truthful manner. 

b) Allow at least one (1) week notice to all parties before the special meeting 

c) Remain impartial at all times. 

d) Handle the Code of Conduct violation process professionally and fairly as outlined in the bylaws. 

e) Information discussed at the special meeting to be kept confidential – If the outcome results in suspension or dismissal, all league members will be informed of the outcome in general terms. 

The Board of Directors shall contain: 

1) The Chairperson as Chair – If the Chairperson is involved in the incident, the Vice-Chairperson shall step in as Chair. 

2) A quorum of Board Members (60% of the board) – If quorum cannot be reached, the meeting will be rescheduled when quorum can be reached. 

ARTICLE A5 – Appeal Process Any member or guest may file an appeal in writing to the Chairperson, to a decision made by the Grievance Committee or Board of Directors at a special meeting within forty eight (48) hours of the final decision. The member or guest filing the appeal may request a new chair from members of the Grievance Committee, if the decision was handed down through the Grievance process, or Board Members, if the decision was handed down through the Violation of any Code of Conduct Process. The decision made at the appeal special meeting will be final.

ARTICLE 11-Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild Inclusion Policy

Adapted from Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport. (2024). Creating inclusive environments for trans participants in Canadian sport: Practice and policy template. https://cces.ca/sites/default/files/content/docs/2024-01/creating_inclusive_environments_for_trans_participants_in_canadian_sport-practice_and_policy_template-final-en.pdf

Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion Sport inclusion is a fundamental value for Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild and a True Sport principle 1. We also recognize that having a more diverse organization will only strengthen our  sport. As a result, our organization is fully committed to providing a safe, supportive and respectful environment for all our participants, members and staff regardless of any differences based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or disability. 

The Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild recognizes that discrimination, prejudice and victimization based on personal attributes, including gender identity and expression, is a violation of human rights and will not be tolerated. Our organization is fully committed to putting in place policies and practices that ensure trans identities can participate in a safe, supportive and respectful environment in our sport. 

1Amendments to the Canadian Human Rights Act explicitly recognizing gender identity and expression as a protected right received Royal Assent on June 19, 2017. Access at: http://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/42-1/bill/C-16/royal-assent

Scope and Application This policy and practice guidance applies to the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild as follows: 

  • It shall be binding on the Board of Directors, 
  • It shall be binding on all members of the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild and its partners, including staff, managers, supervisors, volunteers, athletes, coaches,  officials, guardians of junior members and league guests. 
  • It shall inform all aspects of employment, recruitment and selection; conditions and benefits; training and promotion; task allocation; shifts; hours; toilet arrangements, workload; workplace environment; equipment and transport, 
  • It shall be binding on all volunteers and interns acting in their designated capacity with our organization, for example, as a member of a formal Committee or ad hoc working group, or at a specific sporting event provided the volunteer or intern has expressly agreed to become subject to it, 
  • It shall inform all aspects of participation in our sport, including team selection and participation, membership, and service delivery (such as providing coaching services to individuals), 
  • It shall be applicable whether the individual is on-site, off-site or performing after-hours work; at work-related social functions or at conferences – wherever staff or volunteers or interns may be as a result of their duties, and 
  • It shall govern the treatment of Board of Directors, league partners, staff, managers, supervisors, volunteers, athletes, coaches, officials, guardians of junior members, league guests, clients and the public encountered in the provision of services and other organizational duties.

Guiding Principles The Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild was guided by the following principles in developing our policy and practice guidance on inclusion in our sport: 

  • People of trans identities should have equal opportunities to participate in our sport and strive for excellence at all levels and in all capacities. 
  • Policies governing participation of trans identities should nurture fair play, honesty and respect, and integrity. 
  • Policies governing participation of trans identities in our sport should embrace diversity and inclusion, resulting in a positive sporting experience, free of discrimination or harassment based on gender identity and expression. 
  • Participation in our sport should celebrate differences and focus on the benefits and the joy of sport. 
  • Policies governing the participation of trans people, particularly for our athletes, should be evidence-based, recognize the necessity to protect the privacy rights of trans individuals, and strive to prevent their physical, emotional and mental harm. 
  • Policies governing the participation of trans people should foster access and equitable participation for all participants. 
  • Practices that encourage understanding and support people of trans identities need to be enhanced to acknowledge the challenges and recognize the value of advocating for sport that is fair, safe and open to everyone. 

Chosen Names and Pronouns We will make every effort to learn and use the chosen name and pronouns of our staff and members. We recognize that failing to respect an individual’s gender identity or expression by continuing to use either an incorrect name (deadnaming, e.g., deliberately using their past name instead of their new name), or incorrect chosen pronouns (misgendering, e.g., using he instead of she or other chosen pronouns such as they) is discriminatory and will not be tolerated. 

An Individual’s Right to Privacy and Confidentiality The Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild recognizes the privacy rights of all our members. We will only ask for information about gender from our staff and members when it is critical to the services or programs, in a manner that is inclusive, and for which there are no consequences for abstaining. We will respect and safeguard the privacy and confidentiality of any staff or member who is trans, recognizing that failing to do so may place that individual at risk. 

Use of Toilets, Change Rooms and other Facilities The Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild is committed to providing staff and members who identify as trans with safe access and use of toilets, change room and other facilities in accordance with their gender identity or gender expression. We will seek to do so in a discreet, confidential and sensitive manner that does not reveal an individual’s trans identity or expression and respects their choices. We will also work with other teams and host organizations to ensure respectful treatment of any staff or member who identify as trans by their coaches, officials, spectators and the media. 

Gender Inclusive Attire, Images and Language We will ensure that our dress codes for all staff and members, including team uniforms on and off the field of play, respect an individual’s gender identity and expression. The images that we use in our written, video and online materials will reflect the diversity of our staff and members, and will use gender inclusive language.

Support for Transitioning Staff and Members The Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild is committed to having in place the necessary supports for staff or a member undergoing social or medical transition within our sport that ensure they are treated with respect and dignity and in accordance with their expressed needs. This will include organizational guidelines on how transitional staff or members will be supported, which are outlined throughout the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild Inclusion Policy, and developing a personalized training plan that adapts to physical or medical needs of the staff or member.

Eligibility Requirements for Participation in Events Under Our Jurisdiction Participants in Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild events under our jurisdiction can participate in the gender category in which they identify. Individuals who identify as a girl or woman are eligible to compete on girls’, women’s, and mixed teams for such events. Individuals who identify as a boy or a man are eligible to compete on boys’ or men’s and mixed teams for such events. All identifications of gender identity or expression by our athletes are believed to be made in good faith and do not require further disclosure or documentation. Additional eligibility requirements are listed in ARTICLE 13- Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild (LRDG) Roster Policy

Eligibility Requirements for Participation in Events Under Other Jurisdictions The Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild will keep abreast of related eligibility policies in other jurisdictions that may impact our trans athletes. We will ensure our athletes are knowledgeable about these eligibility requirements and we will work with our trans athletes at their request to fully support their eligibility choices. 

Canadian Anti-Doping Program Requirements The Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild encourages trans athletes to seek information regarding the status of any medications they are using to determine their Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE) requirements for the use of prohibited medications, and to ensure compliance with the CADP and World Anti-Doping Code requirements where necessary. The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport provides assistance to all athletes with these aforementioned tasks. 

Hosting Guidelines When submitting a bid to host an event to the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild, potential hosts are required to indicate what changing areas, toilets and showers are available, including private, separate changing, showering, and toilet facilities should these be requested by a trans participant. Potential hosts that do not have these facilities in place would not be excluded from consideration as an event host. However, if a host is selected where these requirements are not met, the host organization would be expected to work with the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild to provide comparable accommodations. 

Resolving Gender Identity and Expression Issues Any staff or member of the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild who feels they have been discriminated against, bullied or harassed, sexually harassed, vilified or victimized based on gender identity or expression is strongly encouraged to take appropriate action through our Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild Grievance Policy and Code of Conduct Violations (Appendix A, Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild Bylaws). 

Any staff or member of the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild who witnesses an individual being discriminated against, bullied or harassed, sexually harassed, vilified or victimized based on gender identity or expression have a responsibility to take appropriate action through our Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild Grievance Policy and Code of Conduct Violations (Appendix A, Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild Bylaws). 

Any staff or member who does not feel safe or confident to pursue such action may seek assistance from a third party for advice and support, or action on their behalf. 

Examples of Discrimination Based on Gender Identity or Expression that are considered violations of Code of Conduct policy and subject to disciplinary action include but are not limited to: 

  • Refusing to work, train, be on a team with, or compete against a trans athlete
  • Intentionally not using an athlete’s chosen name and/or pronouns (e.g. , deadnaming)
  • Outing a trans person to others without their permission 
  • Refusing a trans athlete access to their chosen facilities or to gender-neutral change rooms and toilets 
  • Requiring a trans athlete to wear a uniform that does not reflect their chosen gender
  • Asking for personal or medical information that is not required or relevant 
  • Requiring a trans man to compete as a woman or a trans woman to compete as a man 
  • Disrespecting, threatening, or harassing a trans or gender non-conforming athlete 

Other Relevant Policies Board of directors, league partners, staff, managers supervisors, volunteers, athletes, coaches, officials, guardians of junior members, league guests are encouraged to read this policy in conjunction with other relevant Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild policies including the Member Code of Conduct, Parent Code of Conduct, Coach Code of Conduct, Guest Code of Conduct, and Board of Directors Code of Conduct. 

Commitment to Education The Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild is committed to educating our staff and members on the importance of inclusion, and what this looks like in the way of practices, policies, procedures and norms of behavior. 

Ongoing Monitoring and Review The Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild commits to ongoing monitoring of developments regarding the implementation of this policy, including any unintended consequences. We will do so through a small Working Group reporting to the Board, at least one of whom has lived experience as a trans and / or gender diverse individual. Every three years, the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild will conduct a comprehensive review of this policy, ensuring that both an expressed female and male gender are represented on the Working Group. 

More Information Any individual wishing to obtain more information about Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild’s Inclusion Policy, is invited to contact the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild Board of Director’s Chair.

ARTICLE 12- Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild (LRDG) Medical Release Form

Medical Release: If, at any time, due to such circumstances as an injury or sudden illness, the skater (unless under 18 years of age, in which case the parent/legal guardian) grants permission for first aid treatment to be administered by a qualified first aid responder.

In the event of an emergency, the skater (unless under 18 years of age, in which case the parent/legal guardian) grants permission for medical procedures or treatment to be obtained from the first aid responder, skater’s doctor, or emergency medical services. The skater (unless under 18 years of age, in which case the parent/legal guardian) grants permission for transportation of the skater to a hospital or doctor’s office via ambulance if necessary. Skaters over the age of 18 understand that all expenses incurred for treatment are their responsibility.

If the skater is under the age of 18, the LRDG will strive to contact the parent/legal guardian (if not present at the event) and/or the emergency contact immediately. However, the parent/legal guardian/emergency contact understands that first aid, medical treatment, and transportation may occur prior to contact, and that all expenses incurred for treatment, including ambulance fees, are their responsibility.

If the skater is not to receive first aid, medical treatment, or transportation by ambulance, the skater (or parent/legal guardian if the skater is under 18 years of age) must provide a letter stating otherwise and outlining the circumstances in which first aid or medical treatment can be administered. This letter must be received by the League before participation can begin.

I assume all risks and hazards incidental to participation, including transportation to and from league activities, and do hereby waive, release, indemnify, and agree to hold harmless the LRDG and its agents, assigns, representatives, officers, and employees from any and all claims arising out of the skater’s participation in any and all league activities.


The Return-to-Play Guideline for the LRDG is designed for the safety of the athletes. A sport concussion is a form of mild traumatic brain injury, affecting brain functions in a complex manner. These guidelines are based on the Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport from Parachute Canada.

Concussion Management:

  1. Immediate Removal from Play:
    • If a player is suspected of having a concussion, they should be immediately removed from further play and should not return to play on the same day. Only after an assessment by a healthcare professional indicates readiness should they resume activity.
  2. Initial Sideline Assessment:
    • A coach, teammate, or trainer should use the Concussion Recognition Tool 6 (CRT6) to evaluate potential concussion symptoms. If a licensed healthcare professional is available, they should perform an onsite assessment using the Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 6 (SCAT6) or Child SCAT6.
  3. Emergency Situations:
    • If the player has experienced unconsciousness, convulsions, or vomiting, immediately call 911. If there is a significant loss of awareness or orientation, take the player to the nearest emergency room for further assessment. Emergency procedures should include vital signs checks, cognitive function assessments, and, if necessary, neurological testing.
  4. Medical Evaluation:
    • All players with a suspected concussion must be referred to a physician or nurse practitioner within 24 hours for medical evaluation. If diagnosed with a concussion, follow-up SCAT assessments may be conducted to monitor symptoms.
  5. Initial Rest Period:
    • During the first 24 to 48 hours, the player should have complete rest (both physical and cognitive). Avoid activities that involve TV, video games, reading, and excessive screen time. A gradual return to school or work may be suggested based on medical advice.
  6. Return-to-Sport Strategy:
    • Players will follow a stepwise return-to-sport process, as outlined by Parachute Canada’s guidelines:
  1. Activities of Daily Living and Rest (24-48 hours)
  2. Light Aerobic Exercise (e.g., walking or cycling)
  3. Individual Sport-Specific Activities (no contact)
  4. Non-Contact Training Drills
  5. Full-Contact Practice and Physical Education Activities
  6. Return to Sport (after medical clearance)
  7. Clearance Documentation:
    • Skaters, coaches, and referees returning to practice or games must provide written documentation from their healthcare professional confirming that they have been cleared for return to play.

For more information, visit the Canadian Guideline on Concussion in Sport at parachute.ca/guideline.

ARTICLE 13- Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild (LRDG) Roster Policy

1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidelines on how coaching staff will determine team rosters for games and events. The policy ensures that player selection aligns with our league’s commitment to safety, attendance, and inclusion.

2. Safety Requirements
All skaters must demonstrate the necessary skill level to participate safely in games. Coaches will assess safety based on:

  • Completion of minimum skills requirements as outlined by the league.
  • Ability to demonstrate control, awareness, and teamwork in practice settings.
  • History of injuries and readiness to return, as evaluated by coaching staff.

3. Attendance and Commitment
Regular attendance and participation in practices are crucial for team cohesion and game readiness. To be considered for game rosters, skaters must:

  • Maintain a minimum attendance percentage as set by the league (e.g., 75% of practices in the last two months).
  • Demonstrate commitment to team development, including participation in team meetings, strategy discussions, and off-skate training.
  • Communicate any absences in a timely manner with coaching staff.

4. Inclusion and Eligibility
Lethbridge Roller Derby League is an open-gender league and upholds the principles outlined in our Inclusion Policy. Roster selection will be based on the following inclusion standards:

  • All players, regardless of gender identity, are eligible for open-gender games.
  • Some games may be designated as female-identifying only, in which case eligibility will be based on self-identification.

5. Roster Selection Process
The coaching staff will determine the game roster based on:

  • Player safety and readiness.
  • Attendance and commitment levels.
  • Team needs, including positional balance and strategy.
  • Any additional factors such as sportsmanship, attitude, and league contributions.

6. Appeals and Concerns
If a skater wishes to appeal a roster decision, they may submit a written request to the coaching staff for review. Appeals should be based on objective concerns, such as miscommunication or errors in eligibility assessment.

7. Review and Updates
This policy will be reviewed annually by the league leadership to ensure it aligns with league values and evolving needs. Any amendments will be communicated to all members. 

Policy and Procedure Initially created February 19, 2019. Updated February 26, 2025.