Expansion to bring more roller derby to Lethbridge
January 16, 2012 No Comments Coalbank Crushers,Deathbridge Derby Dames,Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild,Windy City Wenches LRDG

With roller derby still being a relatively new sport in Alberta, the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild had no idea the amount of growth they would have since their beginnings in 2010.

“We started with the Deathbridge Derby Dames team, with just enough girls to make a roster,” says Heather Zarichney, aka Half Pint Havoc, league President. “But as we played more games in and around Lethbridge, interest has climbed far beyond our expectations.”

That interest has translated into more skaters joining the league. With the added growth, members wanted more opportunities to allow all skaters to play.

As a result, the Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild has added two house teams to the league; the Coalbank Crushers and the Windy City Wenches.

The expansion will mean more bouting experience for all league members.

“By just having the Deathbridge travel team it was difficult for newer skaters to get bout experience, with only 14 skaters allowed on a roster per game,” says Zarichnery. “With house teams, everyone’s on a roster. Lethbridge will get to see all the roller derby rising talent.”

For fans of roller derby, it also means more games to attend in Lethbridge.

“Every time we host a game, so many ask, ‘When’s the next one?’  Having house teams means we will have a set intra-league home schedule, on top of the games from out-of-town leagues the Deathbridge team will invite to play,” says Zarichney.

The Guild plans to host their first intra-league bout Feb. 4 at the Lethbridge Exhibition North Pavilion where the new teams will make their debut. Details and ticket info will be released soon.