#403 (aka Melissa Diane Belter)
Date of birth – May 21, 1985
Favorite position on the track: Blocker
In “real” life I… Sell advertising for Lethbridge living Magazine and freelance write. In my limited spare time, I take some pretty awesome pictures, throw myself down some mountains on my skis, and this year I’m hoping to get some mountain biking done with my fantastic husband.
Playing roller derby since June of 2011
What do you like most about playing roller derby? I’ve been playing sports since I could walk. Being a child, teenager, even a young adult, there are plenty of programs and teams that you can get involved in. Once you hit adulthood, those programs and sports start to turn into beer leagues, which I was never really interested in. After my second season at women’s lacrosse, I had had enough, it wasn’t challenging enough for me. My former instructor at college (Cherri Blaster) had bugged me a couple of times to come to Fresh Meat and try out roller derby. I went and I was hooked. I love the intensity, I love they physicality, I love the feeling of accomplishment each time I came away from practice with sweat dripping from every single pore in my body. Roller derby makes me feel alive and well!
What derby skill are you working on right now? What are your derby goals? I’m wanting to master blocking backwards, which I’ll be learning from the best in Roller Derby 8 Mean Wheeler from TCRG to perfect this technique. My derby goal is to someday be a rostered player on team Alberta, and from there move onto team Canada. A girl can dream big right?
Best moment of your derby career: The day I got to line up at the Jammer line with Kim Janna from TCRG and blow kisses at her. Thank goodness for fabulous derby photographers who captured that special moment for me.
For my birthday I would like… ALL THE BLACK MILK TIGHTS!
Fun fact about you… On both of my feet, both my index and middle toes are the same size and they are double jointed! WHAT?!?!?! Crazy I know!