Get to Know … Kalamity Lain!!!
May 27, 2013 No Comments Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild LRDG

9342_461597937258979_822432011_n#115 (This is the section of the highway traffic act that means driving with undue care & attention)
Real Name: Alaina
Date of birth… May 24, 1974
Favorite position on the track: blocker/killer, but am starting to like jamming
In “real” life I…manage a registry office
Playing roller derby since June 2010
What do you like most about playing roller derby? the people I’ve met, thee rush I feel on the track when I’ve been a part of a great play, the ‘high ‘I have after I lace up my skates
What derby skill are you working on right now? What are your derby goals? Becoming more aware & focused when on the track & becoming an offensive player
Best moment of your derby career (so far): playing a bout at Rollercon, getting lead jam in a game (I’m not a jammer!)