March skater of the month: Belt-Her Face!
March 21, 2013 No Comments Lethbridge Roller Derby Guild LRDG

belterSOTMBelt-Her was nominated by her teammates for her devotion to bettering the league through attending boot camps and scrimmages. As head of the training committee she helps plan the Dames’ intense practices and keeps tabs on other skaters to help them achieve their personal goals. Not afraid to get her hands dirty off the track, Belt-Her is also a devoted volunteer, former board member and will be captaining the Dames at this weekend’s home opener against the Foxy Rollers. Where does she find the time to do it all? Read on and learn what makes Belt-Her tick.



Daytime profession? Advertising Consultant at Lethbridge Living Magazine and a kick-ass Freelance Writer in what little spare time I have.

Relationship status?  Happily married to the love of my life for going on 6 years.

Favourite position on the track? Blocker, but nothing really beats lead jam.

Favourite position off the track? The tuck position, when I’m cruising in chest high powder in my home-away-from-home, Rossland, BC.

Signature move? Belting faces

Kryptonite? (Weakness) I have a magpie complex, where I’m easily distract… ohh look Squirrel!

Must-have game day item?  Food, skates, pads, uniform, aqua is pretty much all I need on game day. I don’t ask for much.

Pre-game ritual? I like to set some goals and visualize how I can attain them. Whether it’s to not eat the floor as much as last game or executing a clean can-opener, I’ll set and picture myself doing it.

Favourite wheel? I have a combo of Atom Stinger’s and Atom Omega 2.0’s that have not steered me wrong thus far.

Booty shorts or leggings? I’m a fan of the capri’s, so in the grand scheme of this questions I guess I’d be leaning towards leggings more.

Planks or burpees? Planks for days, my friends.

Weirdest thing in your gear bag right now? My gear bag is pretty standard, actually. Although if you have forgotten something chances of me having a spare of anything is pretty likely. I tend to over pack and pack in multiples. You never know when you’ll need an extra pair of underwear during a game, ladies!